Part I
Transport and Forwarding Terms
Commercial Terms (including Incoterms)
International Conventions
3PL | third party logistics provider |
4PL | fourth party logistics provider |
Aa | always afloat |
a.a.r. | against all risks |
AC | account current |
A/C | for account of |
ACEP | Approved Continous Examination Program |
ACI | Advance Commercial Information |
acc. | acceptance; accepted |
a.d. a/d | after date |
Add-on | tariff (also proportional rate or arbitrary [in USA ]) |
ad val. (a/v) | ad valorem (according to value) |
ADN | European Provisions concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Inland Waterway |
ADP | automated data processing |
ADR | European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road |
AETR | European Agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport |
AFRA | average freight rate assessment |
Aft | At, near or towards the stern or rear of a vessel or an aircraft |
Agcy | agency |
Agt. | Agent |
AGVS | Automated guided vehicle system |
a.g.w.t. | actual gross weight |
AHS | automated highway systems |
AIM | automatic identification manufacturers |
AMS | automated manifest system |
AMT | Air Mail Transfer |
A.O. | account of |
A/or | and/or |
A/P | account paid |
APD | additional product documentation |
approx. | approximately |
A/R | all risks (insurance) |
arr. | arrival |
arrd. | Arrived |
ATP | available to promise |
a/s | after sight |
A/S | alongside |
asap | as soon as possible |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ass. | Associate |
ASYCUDA | Automated Sstem for Customs Data |
ATA | actual time of arrival |
ATD | actual time of departure |
ATP | Agreement for the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs |
Atty. | attorney |
auth. | authorized |
aux. | Auxiliary |
av | average |
AWB | Air Waybill |
B2B | business to business |
B2C | business to consumer |
B.A.C. | bunker adjustment charge |
B.A.F. | bunker adjustment factor |
Bags/Bulk | part in bags, part in bulk |
B.C. | bulk cargo |
B/D | bank(er’s) draft |
b.d.i. | both dates (days) inclusive |
bdth. | breadth |
Bdy. | boundary |
B/G | bonded goods |
B/H | bill of health |
Bkge | brokerage |
B/L | bill of lading |
BL | bulk load |
blk. | Bulk |
BOM | bill of material |
brl. | Barrel |
BRP | business requirements planning |
BUP | Bulk Unit Programme |
B.W. | bonded warehouse |
bxs. | boxes |
CAC | currency adjustment charge |
CAConf | Cargo Agency Conference (IATA) |
CAD | cash against documents |
CAF | currency adjustment factor |
CAS | currency adjustment surcharge |
CASS | Cargo Accounts Settlement System (IATA) |
C.B. | container base |
CBP | Customs and Border Protection |
c.& d. | collection and delivery |
c.b.d. | cash before delivery |
cbm | cubic metre |
cc | charges collect |
CCL | customs clearance |
CCS | consolidated cargo (container) service |
ccx | collect |
C/D | customs declaration |
CEM | European Conference on goods train |
Timetables | |
CEVNI | European Code for Inland Waterways |
CFR | Cost and freight (Incoterms) |
CFS | container freight station |
C.H. | carriers haulage |
C.H.C. | cargo handling charges |
Ch. fwd. | charges forward |
c/i | certificate of insurance |
c.i.a. | cash in advance |
CIF | cost, insurance and freight (Incoterms) |
c.i.f. & e. | cost, insurance, freight and exchange |
c.i.f.i. & e. | cost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange |
c.i.f. & i. | cost, insurance, freight and interest |
c.i.f. & c. | cost, insurance, freight and commission |
c.i.f.c. & e. | cost, insurance, freight, commission and exchange |
c.i.f.c. & i. | cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest |
c.i.f.i. & c. | cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission |
c.i.f.L.t. | cost, insurance and freight, London terms |
c.i.f.w. | cost, insurance and freight plus war risk |
CIM | International Convention on the Transport of Goods by Railway |
CIP | Carriage and insurance paid to (Incoterms) |
CIV | International Convention on the Carriage of Passenger and Luggage by Railway |
CKD | completely knocked down (unassembled) |
Cl. | classification |
clean B/L | clean Bill of lading |
cm | centimetre(s) |
cm3 | cubic centimetre(s) |
CMR | Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road |
C/N | consignment note |
cnee | consignee |
cnmt/consgt. | consignment |
cnor | consignor |
C/O | certificate of origin |
COB | collection on board |
C.O.D. | cash on delivery |
COGSA | Carriage of Goods by Sea Act |
C.O.F.C. | Container-on-Flat-Car (rail flatcar) |
COP | customs of port |
COOS | call-of andorder survey |
C.O.S. | cash on shipment |
COS | call-of-schedule |
COTIF | Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (CIM-CIV) |
COW | collection on wheels |
C.P. | Customs of Port |
CP | carriage paid |
C/P | charter party |
C/P blading | charter party bill of lading |
CPLTC | Conference Port Liner Term Charges |
CPT | Carriage paid to (Incoterms) |
CRP | Continous Replenishment Program |
CSC | Container service charge |
CSC | International Convention of the Safe Transport of Containers (UN) |
CSConf | Cargo Services Conference (IATA) |
CSI | Container Security Initiative |
CSL | Cotainer Stuffing List |
CST | Container Service Tariff |
C/T | Container Terminal |
C.T. | conference terms |
CT | combined transport |
CTD | combined transport document |
CTO | combined transport operator |
C-TPAT | Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism |
CTPC | Cargo Traffic Procedures Committee (IATA) |
cu.ft. | cubic foot (feet) | | cubic inch(es) |
cur. | currency |
CVGK | customs value per gross kilogram |
CVGP | customs value per gross pound |
CWE | cleared without examination |
cwt | hundredweight |
CWO | cash with order |
CY | container yard |
cy | currency |
D/A | documents against acceptance |
DAF | Delivered at frontier (Incoterms) |
DAP | documents against payment |
D.A.S. | delivery resp. delivered alongside ship |
DAWB | direct airway bill |
DCAS | Distribution Cost Analysis System |
DDC | Destination Delivery Charge |
DDP | Delivered duty paid (Incoterms) |
DDU | Delivered duty unpaid (Incoterms) |
DES | Delivered ex ship (Incoterms) |
DEQ | Delivered ex quay (duty paid) (Incoterms) |
DFP | duty-free port |
DGR | IATA, Dangerous Goods Regulations |
dia | diameter |
dir. | Direct |
DIT | Destinational Interchange Terminal |
dm3 | cubic decimetre(s) |
DMT | Destinational Motor Terminal |
DOCIMEL | Document CIM Electronique (Electronic CIM document) |
D/O | delivery order |
D/P | documents against payment |
DSTN | destination |
DWCC | dead weight cargo capacity |
DWT | dead weight ton |
EAN | European article numbering |
E.& O.E. | errors and omissions excepted |
ECB | Express Cargo Bill |
ECR | Efficient Consumer Response |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDIF | Electronic Design Interchange Format |
EDIFACT | Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport |
EDIFOR | Electronic Data Interchange Forwarding |
EDP | electronic data processing |
EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer |
e.g. | for example |
EIR | equipment interchange receipt (containers) |
encl. | enclosure |
ETA | expected time of arrival |
ETD | expected time of departure |
ETS | expected time of sailing |
EVA | Economic Value Added |
excl. | excluding |
EXW | Ex works (Incoterms) |
FAA | free of all average |
f.a.c. | fast as can (loading or discharge) |
F.A.C. | forwarding agent’s commission |
FAK | freight all kinds |
FALPRO | Special Programme on Trade Facilitation (UNCTAD) |
f.a.q. | fair average quality |
FAS | Free alongside ship (Incoterms) |
FAST | Free and Secure Trade |
FBL | negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading |
FCA | Free carrier (Incoterms) |
FCL | full container load |
Fco. | franco; free |
FDI | foreign direct investment |
FEU | Forty foot Equivalent |
FFI | FIATA Forwarding Instructions |
f.g.a. | free of general average |
FHEX | Friday and Holidays excepted |
FIATA FCR | Forwarders Certificate of Receipt |
FIATA FCT | Forwarders Certificate of Transport |
FIATA SDT | Shipper’s Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods |
FIATA SIC | Shippers Intermodal Weight Certification |
f.i. | free in |
f.i.o. | free in and out |
f.i.a.s. | free in and stowed |
f.i.o.s. | free in and out stowed |
F.I.B. | Free into barge |
f.i.c. | freight, insurance, carriage |
f.i.h. | free in harbour |
firavv | first available vessel |
FIS | freight, insurance and shipping charges |
f.i.w. | free into wagon |
FLP | freight logistic provider |
FLT | forklift truck |
f.o. | free out |
FOB | Free on board (Incoterms) |
F.O.C. | flags of convenience |
F.O.D. | Free of damage |
f.o.w. | first open water |
FMC | Federal Maritime Commission |
FMCG | fast-moving consumer goods |
F.P.A. | Free of particular average |
FPAD | freight payable at destination |
FR | flat rack (container) |
Frt. fwd. | freight forward |
frt. ppd. | freight prepaid |
frt. ton | freight ton |
ft | foot (feet) |
FTZ | Foreign Trade Zone |
FWC | full loaded weight & capacity (container) |
fwdr. | Forwarder |
FWB | non-negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Waybill |
FWR | FIATA Warehouse Receipt |
G.A. | general average |
G.A.A. | General Average Agreement (bond) |
G.A.C. | general average contribution |
G.B.L. | Government Bill of Lading |
G.C. | general cargo |
G.C.R. | general cargo rates |
GDP | gross domestic product |
gds | goods |
GMT | Greenwich Meantime |
GFA | General Freight Agent |
GNP | gross national product |
GOH | Garment-on-hanger |
GRI | General Rate Increase |
GRT | gross registered tonnage |
gr wt | gross weight |
GSA | General Sales Agent |
GST | goods and services tax |
GTL | gas-to-liquid |
Guatemala City Protocol (1971) | Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929 as amended by the Protocol at the Hague on 28 September 1955 (not in force) |
Guadalajara Supplementary Convention (1961) | Convention Supplementary to the Warsaw Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier |
HAWB | House Air Waybill |
Hague Prot. (1955) | Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to the International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929 |
Hague Rules | International Convention of the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading (1924) |
Hague/ Visby Rules | Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading ( Brussels 1 1968) |
Hamburg Rules | United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (1978) |
hdlg | handling |
HAZCHEM | Hazardous Chemicals Code |
HAZMAT | Hazardous Materials |
HERMES | Handling European Railway Message Exchange-System |
hgt | height |
h/lift | heavy lift |
HS | Harmonized System (CCC Convention) |
H.Q. | headquarters |
IA | Indepent Action |
i.a.w. | in accordance with |
I.C.C. | Institute Cargo Clauses |
ICD | inland clearance depot |
IMO/IMCO | International Maritime Control Organisation |
IMC | Intermodal Marketing Company |
IMDG | International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code |
in. | inch(es) |
info | information |
incl. | including |
INCOTERMS | Standard conditions for sale and delivery of goods (issued by ICC, Paris) |
INMARSAT | International Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization |
ins. | insurance |
INTRM | intermediate point |
inv. | Invoice |
IPI | Inland Point Intermodal |
I.P.A. | including particular average |
ISA | Information System Agreement |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISPS | International Ship and Port Facility Security Code |
IT | Immediate Transportation Entry |
ITIGG | International Transport Implementation Guidelines Group |
ITU | Intermodal transport unit |
JIT | just-in-tine |
JOT | Journal of Commerce |
k.d. | knocked down |
kg(s) | kilogram(s) |
km | kilometre |
km.p.h. | kilometres per hour |
km2 | square kilometre |
kn | knot(s) |
kW | kilowatt |
kWh | kilowatt-hour |
Kyoto Convention | International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (1973) (CCC Convention) |
L/A | Lloyd’s agent |
LASH | lighter aboard ship |
Lat.,lat. | latitude |
lb(s) | pound(s) |
L/C | Letter of credit |
l.& d. | loss and damage |
l.& u. | loading and unloading |
LCL | less than container load (less than car load) |
LEL | lower explosive limit |
LFL | lower flammable limit |
lgt. | long ton; long tons |
lifo | last-in-first-out |
liq. | liquid |
Lkg/Bkg | leakage & breakage |
LNG | Liquefied natural gas |
L.O.A. | length over all |
LO/LO | lift on, lift off |
loc. | local; location |
Long., long. | longitude |
LPG | Liquefied petrochemical gas |
LSD | landing, storage and delivery charges |
LSA | logistic support analysis |
L.T. | local time |
L/T | liner terms |
LTA | lighter than air system (airships) |
LTL | Less than Truckload |
ltr. | lighter |
lump | lump sum |
M | minimum (rate classification) |
m | metre(s) |
m3 | cubic metre(s) |
MACH | modular automated container handling |
mat | material |
MEGC’s | Multiple Element Gas Containers |
MFN | Most Favoured Nation |
M.H. | Merchants Haulage |
m.i.p. | Marine Insurance policy |
M/R | mate’s receipt |
M + R | maintenance and repair (centre) |
MAWB | Master Air Waybill |
Mdse | merchandise |
mi | mile(s) |
Montreal Convention (1999) | Convention for the Unification of certain Rules Rules relating to International Carriage by Air |
Montreal Prot. No.4 (1975) | Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929 as amended by the Protocol done at the Hague on 28 September 1955 |
msbl | missing bill of lading |
msca | missing cargo |
MT | motor tanker |
MTD | multimodal transport document |
MTO | multimodal transport operator |
M/S | motor ship |
M/V | motor vessel |
N | normal (rate classification) |
NAOCC | Non Aircraft Operating Common Carrier |
NAWB | Neutral Air Waybill (forwarders Air Waybill) |
NCV | non customs (commercial) value |
n.e.s. | not elsewhere specified |
NGO | non governmental organization |
n.l.t. | not later than |
n/n | non-negotiable |
N.,No,Nr. | number |
N/O | no orders |
n.o.e. | not otherwise enumerated |
n.o.p. | not otherwise provided |
n.o.r. | not otherwise rated |
n.o.s. | not otherwise specified |
N/R | note of readiness |
NRT | net registered ton |
NT | Net Tons |
nt wt | net weight |
n.v.d. | no value declared |
NVOCC | Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier |
O.B.S. | Oil Bunker Surcharge |
OB/L | Ocean Bill of Lading |
OCP | Overland Common Port |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition |
O/D | on deck |
ODS | operating differential subsidy |
OFA | ocean freight agreement |
OMT | Original Motor Treminal |
O.P. | open Policy |
O.R. | owner’s risk |
O.R.B. | owner’s risk of breakage |
O.R.D. | owner’s risk of damage |
O.R.F. | owner’s risk of fire |
ORT | Original Rail Terminal |
OS&D | over, short and damage |
OT | open top (container) |
p.a. | per annum (per year) |
P.A. | particular average |
Para | paragraph |
P.B.A. | paid by agent |
P & D | pick up and delivery |
P.& I. | Protection and Indemnity Association |
P.& I.clause | Protection and indemnity clause |
P.& L. | profit and loss |
payt. | Payment |
PAV | personal air vehicle |
P/C | Paramount Clause |
p.c.f. | pounds per cubic foot |
pct | percent |
P.chgs. | particular charges |
pd. | paid |
p.D. | partial delivery |
p.h.d. | per hatch per day |
pkg | package |
P/L | partial loss |
PLP | parcel post |
PLTC | port liner term charges |
pmt | prompt |
P/N | promissory note |
P/O | purchase order |
P.O.B. | post office box |
P.O.D. | payment on delivery; paid on delivery |
POD | port of discharge and proof of delivery |
POL | port of loading |
pp/ppd | prepaid/prepaid |
PSI | pre-shipment inspection |
p.t. | per ton |
PTSC | Port and Terminal Service Charge |
PTI | Pre-Trip Inspection |
ptly pd | partly paid |
p.t.w. | per ton weight |
Q | Quantity (rate classification) |
Q.c.o. | quantity at captain’s option |
qlty | Quality |
qty | Quantity |
QM | Quality Management |
Qn | Quotation |
QR | Quick response |
q.v. | quod vide (which see) |
R | reduced class rate (rate classification) |
rcpt | receipt |
rcvd | received |
r/c | return cargo |
red. | Reduced |
rep | representative |
RCU | rate construction unit |
ref | reference |
Rentcon | rent-a-container |
rest. | restrict(ed) |
retd. | returned or retired |
RFID | radio-frequency indentification |
R.I. | reinsurance |
RID | International regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail |
RMD | Rhine-Main-Danube Navigation System |
RNR | rate not reported |
R/O | routing order |
R.O.G. | receipt of goods |
RO/RO | roll-on/roll-off |
round C/P | round charter party |
r.t.b.a. | rate to be arranged |
Ry. | railway |
S | surcharge (rate classification) |
SAD | single administrative document |
SAFETEA-LU | Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users |
S/C | surcharge |
s & c | shipper and carrier |
SCEP | supply chain enterprise portal |
SCM | supply chain management |
S.& F.A. | shipping and forwarding agent |
SHEX | Sundays and Holidays excluded |
SCR | specific commodity rate |
S.d. | small damage |
s.d. | short delivery |
S/d | sight draft |
SDR | Special Drawing Right |
sld | sailing date |
s.l.& c. | shippers’ load and count |
SLI | shippers letter of instruction |
SKU | Stock Keeping Unit |
S.O.L. | shipowner’s liability |
SOLAS | International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea |
S.P.A. | subject to particular average | | square centimetre(s) | | square inch(es) |
SRCC | strike, riots, civil commotions |
S/S | steamship |
STC | said to contain |
stvdrs | stevedores |
sub L/C | subject to letter of credit being opened |
sub licence | subject to licence being granted |
t | ton |
TACT | the air cargo tariff (IATA) |
TBL | through bill of lading |
TBN | to be named (ship) |
T/C | time charter |
TC | traffic conference area (IATA) |
TC | transcontainer |
TD | time of departure |
TEU | twenty foot equivalent unit (containers) |
THC | Terminal handling Charge |
TIF | international transit by rail |
TIR | Customs Convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR carnets (for international road transport) |
TL | total loss |
TLF | tariff level factor |
t.l.o. | total loss only |
tnge | tonnage |
T.O.D. | time of dispatch |
TOFC | Trailer on flatcar |
T.O.R. | time of receipt |
TOS | Terms of Sale |
tot | terms of trade |
tot. | total |
TOW | tier on weight (container stacking according to weight) |
TPND | theft, pilferage, non delivery |
TQC | Total Quality control |
TQM | Total Quality management |
tr | tare |
TRC | Terminal Receiving Charge |
T/S | transshipment |
u.c. | usual conditions |
UCC | uniform code council |
U.D. | under deck |
U.DK. | upper deck |
ULCC | Ultra Large Crude Carrier (oil) |
ULD | unit load device (aircraft) |
UN/EDIFACT | United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for Admin., Commerce and Transport |
UPC | uniform/universal product code |
USS | uniform symbology specification |
u.t. | unusual terms |
U/w | Underwriter |
val. | value |
VAT | value added tax |
V.C. | vessels convenience |
Ves. | Vessel |
VIC | Very Important Cargo |
VIO | Very Important Object |
VIP | Very Important Person |
VLCC | Very Large Crude Carrier (oil) |
VMI | vendor-managed inventory |
VOCC | Vessel Operating Common Carrier |
vol | volume |
VSA | Vessel Sharing Agreement |
v.v. | vice versa |
Warsaw | Convention for the Unification of certain |
Convention | Rules relating to International Carriage by Air (1929) |
W.A. | with average (Institute Cargo Clause) |
W/B | Way-bill |
w.b.d. | will be done |
w.c.c.o.n. | whether cleared customs or not |
W/d | working day(s) |
wdt/wth | width |
w.e.f. | with effect from |
WG | Working Group |
wgt | weight |
whf | wharfage |
Whse | warehouse |
WIG | wing-in-ground |
wk. | week |
w/m | weight/measurement |
W/O,w/o | without |
w.p.a. | with particular average |
W.R. | Warehouse Receipt |
W.R.I. | War Risk Insurance |
wt. | weight |
w/t | weight tons |
w/v | weight/volume |
WW | warehouse warrant |
ww | world-wide |
Wwd | weather working days |
www | world wide web |
yd | yard |
yday | yesterday |
YTD | Year to date |
y/l | your letter |
y/o | your order |